Diagnosing Amputee Discomfort

Researchers at the Wilson College of Textiles together with College of Engineering faculty are working on technology that will help diagnose amputee discomfort in order to make their artificial limbs more comfortable. The research team in the Department of Textile Engineering, Chemistry and Science (TECS), led by Dr. Tushar Ghosh, has been collaborating with teams from the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering and the Department of Biomedical Engineering, led by Dr. Alper Bozkurt and Dr. Helen Huang, respectively, on developing a uniquely-shaped conductive polymer fiber that, when woven into a fabric structure, forms a multimodal and multifunctional sensor array that can be used with a circuit to sense different stimuli. This innovation offers an unobtrusive way to continuously monitor the many factors that can affect the interaction between an amputee and their artificial limb.
[major-link url=”https://textiles.ncsu.edu/news/2019/01/diagnosing-amputee-discomfort/” target=”_blank”]Read More[/major-link]
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